Christopher Schellhorn


Chris is CEO and chairman of Confirmation, has grown the company exponentially since his start in 2002, and is responsible for product diversification and expansion efforts. He is a highly experienced CEO and a proven operator with a successful background in online transaction processing businesses within the financial services industry. He has managed several software and technology businesses and has served on numerous Boards of both public and private companies.

在加入 Confirmation 之前,Chris 是北弗吉尼亚州 Integrion Financial Network 的首席执行官。 Integrion 与 VISA 和 IBM 合作为北美 18 家最大的银行开创了网上银行平台,在他的领导下,Integrion 将用户数从不足 2 万提高到 350 多万个互联网账户,每月有 3000 万笔交易。  

Prior to Integrion, Chris was brought in as the President and CEO of VISA Interactive, a wholly owned subsidiary of VISA International also located in Virginia.  His charge was to turn around the company and within 3 years Chris successfully led the company to break-even and grew the company to 500,000 subscribers with in excess of 10 million monthly transactions.  

作为 VISA Interactive 的总裁兼首席执行官,Chris 负责在全球部署的所有 VISA International 分布式支付处理系统的开发,并为 VISA International 的所有电子商务项目提供战略指导。 在担任总裁兼首席执行官期间,Chris 成功将 VISA Interactive 协商出售给了 Integrion。他还曾管理为美国、欧洲和拉丁美洲的 75 家金融机构提供服务的技术平台。

Chris received his MBA from the University of Rochester in 1979, and graduated from the College of the Holy Cross with a BA in Economics in 1973.