

1.5 million auditors, bankers and financial professionals around the world trust Thomson Reuters® Confirmation to validate data and identify fraud. We can help you too.

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Image for Trusted confirmations. Everywhere. Every time.


为什么要使用 Confirmation?

You can't afford not to.

Dated confirmation methods like fax, email and mail are inefficient and susceptible to fraud. Our secure digital platform gives you control over the process from start to finish. Watch this video to learn more.

Bank, Legal, AR/AP and more



  • Confirmation 是唯一一个在审计人员和银行业者开始使用平台之前验证其业务详细信息的平台。
  • 这可以确保每次都将正确的信息传递给正确的人,从而降低财务报表欺诈的风险。
  • 用户无法在询证函上以电子方式签署他人的姓名。
  • 所有用户活动都记录在平台上,为审计期间完成的所有询证工作留下数字化且可靠的痕迹。


  • 所有签名、附件和完整的询证文件均采用 AES-256 加密保护,消除了未经授权的一方访问财务数据的风险。
  • 我们的服务超越行业标准,每年均通过数百次安全和合规审查。
  • 我们每年都会接受服务组织控制 (SOC) 考试,这为我们的安全承诺提供了额外的保证。


  • Confirmation 已帮助发现数十亿美元的欺诈行为,包括:
    • $215 million fraud at Peregrine Financial Group
    • $6 million fraud at Shepherd Major Play Fund
    • $160 million at China MediaExpress
  • Confirmation 大幅降低了数据丢失的可能性,并有助于确保数据不被泄露。

我们每年处理 170 个国家/地区的数百万份询证

150 万







Confirmation is modern, streamlined and quick! Once an online request is completed, no separate client authorisation is required and payment is made through centralised billing – where a bank letter request used to take weeks to send out, it now takes less than ten minutes. If that wasn't enough, we are now seeing bank letters returned before the audit starts, and with accurate content, thus saving us time and, therefore, money on an audit.

Anne Dawyer

Kreston Reeves 审计合伙人兼物业与建筑主管

The platform has allowed us to provide our customers with a quicker turnaround time, helping us to provide a standard format and reduce confirmations received by post, fax and email. The platform is secure, we know every request we receive come from a validated audit firm and always contain a client authority.

Patrick Bairin

SMBC 战略规划部,财务与控制,欧洲、中东和非洲组

The big advantage of using Confirmation is that we are sure that all requests are authorised by the customer and there is no need to check the signatures and their validation. Confirmation is a very intuitive tool, we can easily move requests through departments and hold the request when it is not completed.

Process Specialist

Top 10 Nordic Bank


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